Target Orientated Skill Calibration

Photo by Cam Adams on Unsplash

Photo by Cam Adams on Unsplash

Your Purchasing organization seen by the competences (existing targets)

We made the list with the Purchasers you have chosen with you. We validate the TOSCA survey; a part will be used for the soft skills (behavioral competences) and the other part for the hard skill (technical competence). We analyze and consolidate the whole participant’s answers. We present the survey collective results to whomever it concerns (you, teams, Management). The results are individual and for the only provision of the participants. With these results we can consider which are the company's’ strength and weakness. It also highlighted the main area focuses, the comparison with the target asset and the comparison with others organizations (competitiveness/benchmark).




The TOSCA® roadmap is based on the client’s goals, afterwards tranformed into targeted profiles. Consequently, the client develops a systematic approach (stemming from the individual or company objectives) along with our experts, enabling him to thrive afterwards.

As afore-mentionned, the goal is not a career planning program neither it is a personal develoment program. TOSCA® is a program meant to support the client in the building of the extended enterprise of tomorrow. So the objective of this roadmap is to develop not only the people but also and especially the organization as a whole.

However, a profile for each individual and each position is developped. When grouping them together, we are able to identify the optimal balance between people and responsibilities and then the key steps to impulse the change.

We are convinced that our status of external participant as well as our expertise make us the perfect partner, concerning the TOSCA® questionnaire as well as our other programs. It is nonetheless possible to replace our action at every stage of the transformation process.